Sunday, September 18, 2011

Week in Review

Places we went: the park for a Bible study, Publix, church, Busch Gardens, Olive Garden, the library, and a Chinese restaurant for lunch.

Highlights: T had a great time with his friends at Busch Gardens.  They rode tons of rides, played in the water area, and climbed in the tree house all day.  I met a friend there and we got to catch up and chat.  Lather in the week I also enjoyed spending some time with my sister-in-law and attending an informative workshop on Human Trafficking.

Funny Moment:  At Publix, I was talking with a nice old lady who we see every week.  During a short pause in our conversation T felt the need to inform this former school teacher that "boys have penises".

I am reading: Heaven is For Real.  This book describes the journey of a four year old boy who claims to have  been to Heaven.  I was a bit skeptical of the book at first, but after reading it, I definitely believe that he did indeed have a supernatural experience.

I am looking forward to: Our church is starting a Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) group and I am looking forward to attending the first meeting this Saturday.

A Goal: This week I am working on creating a ministry application for our pro-life group.

I am praising God for: My husband's job

I am praying for: My aunt and uncle, whose beloved doggie passed away this week.

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