Monday, August 29, 2011

Last Week in Review

Places we went: Dollar Store, Michael's, Publix, playground/spray park, church, bounce house, and Disney World! (Separate Disney post to follow).

Highlights from the week: Watching my baby experience tons of fun during our Disney weekend!

New Recipe I cooked: Layered Fiesta Casserole~very yummy and gave us two nights of leftovers!

Funny moment: Let me preface this by saying T doesn't watch very much tv and only recently started watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  While he obviously knows who Mickey Mouse is, he isn't quite sure of the names of the other evidenced this weekend when he spotted Goofy and shouted "Look, there's Dooky."

I am praising God for: My family

I am reading: A Pro-Life Curriculum/Teacher's Manual called Generations For Life

I am looking forward to: My pro-life meeting tomorrow and breaking out all of our fall decor on Thursday!

A Goal this week: Get haircuts for T and I

I am praying for: Peace and comfort as I approach my due date without my baby.  September 1 was my due date for the baby we lost in February.  During the last month, I have experienced intense grief and anxiety knowing this day was fast approaching, so I am praying that the Lord will continue to comfort and sustain me in the days ahead.

T amd Mommy on Dumbo
The Flyin Fiddler~Check out that big smile!!

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