Monday, August 15, 2011

Last week in Review!

Places we went: The pool for swimming lessons, Publix, our niece's book launch party, church, a pro-life rally, and life group.  We also went to a local bounce house~this was T's reward for going number 2 in the potty, FINALLY!!  The poor child has been too terrified to even try it up until now, but he did it for the first time last Thursday.  YAY T!!

I am praising God for: Helping me to go for 6 straight days without eating a single morsel of food.  During my fast, I drank nothing but raw vegetable and fruit juices (and lots of water).  Separate post to follow about this!

I cooked: Cheese ravioli in meat sauce, Homemade Chicken Nuggets, and Turkey Tacos (and no, I did not eat it!!).

Highlights from the week: Seeing the finished product of our amazing flyers promoting our teen pro-life ministry, watching our niece give her speech and sign her books at the book launch party, reading her outstanding book,enjoying a wonderful night of fellowship at life group, and stepping on the scale and seeing that I have lost 7 pounds from the fast!  I now weigh less than I did when I got pregnant with T!!

A funny moment: At swimming lessons T saw a Scooby-Doo doll and said "Look, it's Spooky Dooky".

I watched: The Business of Being Born~an excellent documentary comparing hospital birth and home birth.

A goal for this week: Organize our hall closet.  Good times!!

I am looking forward to: Getting together with a new friend for a playdate.

I am praying for: My cousin, who is 26 weeks pregnant and just ordered to bed rest.

Our niece and her parents at the book launch party!
T and his cousin relaxing at the party

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