Places we went: The pool for swimming lessons, a friend's house for a playdate, the beach, Target, church, and Chili's. We also went to Chick-Fil-A for a meeting with the Director of our developing teen pro-life ministry~we both have small children and try to meet here every other Saturday so the kids can play while we work!
We watched: the 700 Club. We love this Christian news program and try to catch it whenever we can. Last week, one of the segments focused on a woman (Kathy) who was raised by parents that worshipped Satan. As a little girl, Kathy was exposed to all sorts of unimaginable horrors. A wise and loving neighbor lady shared Jesus Christ with Kathy, and she became a Christian at a very young age. As a teen, Kathy found herself pregnant. When the baby was born, her father, now a Satanic High Priest, sacrificed his newborn grandbaby to the Devil. Many years later, as her father lay dying, Kathy went to visit him and tell him that she had forgiven him. She shared Christ with her dad, and he said the sinners prayer and received Jesus as his Lord and Savior right then and there. He died one minute later. WOW!!
Highlights of the week: Watching T become more and more brave at every single swimming lesson. At first, he was too scared to even get in the water with his teacher. By the last day, he was jumping off the side to his teacher and letting her help him do all sorts of things. I have also enjoyed spending lots of time with a sweet new friend. Finally, we had a very productive meeting on Saturday and are getting very excited about the official launch of our teen group in just six short weeks.
Tough moment of the week: Breaking my six day juice fast. I felt amazing during the last 3 days of the fast..I don't think my stomach has felt that good ever! I really didn't want to break the fast but knew I had to.
I am praising God for: my husband. He works so hard to provide for us and is such a terrific dad. He is kind, funny, generous, and he truly loves the Lord. He is the man I always dreamed about marrying!
A goal this week: Do preschool with T Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. We will try to stick with this schedule throughout the school year, which officially begins tomorrow.
I am looking forward to: an upcoming overnight trip to Disney!
I am praying for: a precious local toddler named Isabella. "Izzy" is not even two years old yet and was diagnosed last weekend with Leukemia. She is currently at Children's Hospital undergoing chemo. Her mom is closely involved with the Pregnancy Center and is an active Walk For Life volunteer. Her mom has asked that people pray for~Izzy to beat this, for there to be no lasting effects, and for the cancer to have spread no further (it has already spread to her kidneys). I got a report an hour ago that Izzy has been moved to the ICU. Please join me in lifting this little sweetheart and her family up to our Lord, the Master Physician.
Taking a field trip to the big pool. T is always the caboose on the kiddie train!! |