Sunday, October 16, 2011

Week in Review

Places we went: On Monday I went to my first prenatal appt.  Thanks to my yucky "morning" sickness, I did not leave the house all week afterward except for today.  We made a quick stop at church to pick something up and then went to the Flea Market.  I became ill as soon as we got there and we had to leave pretty quickly.

Highlights from the week: Mid-week I had a few days where I did not feel completely terrible and that was nice!  One afternoon I managed to play soccer with T outside, which was probably the most fun either of us had all week.

Funny moment: Early one morning T pooped in his diaper (he still wears one at night).  He knows he is always supposed to go in the potty now and he told me that Maggie told him it would be ok to poop in his diaper. 

I am praising God for: My husband, who has been so helpful and understanding all week.  I haven't been able to to much this week due to my nausea and extreme fatigue, but he has filled in the gaps cleaning, bringing home dinner several nights, doing laundry, watching T while I nap, getting me ginger ale and natural morning sickness meds, etc. 

A Goal: When I start feeling better, I want to begin making better breakfasts.  We have gotten in a bad routine of typically having cereal, scrambled eggs, toast, frozen waffles, english muffins..easy stuff.  I want to make more homemade pancakes, waffles, and French Toast with yummy sides like sausage, bacon, home fries, etc.

I am looking forward to: T's first T-ball practice this Saturday!

I am praying for: This week through facebook I learned that one of the guys I was friends with in college lost his three year old son to cancer.  He and his wife apparently are very strong Christians and have been an amazing example to the many people who walked this road with them. 


  1. You should try some candied ginger for your morning sickness. It can give some relief.

  2. Good luck in your T-Ball little T!! :)

  3. Chris~Tim got me some stuff from the nature store which really seems to be helping now:)

    Thanks Noellie! I can't wait!!!
