Monday, October 24, 2011

Last Week in Review

Places we went: We drove to West Palm Beach on Monday so that my husband could become a certified scuba diver.  He made it through his 3 days of training and is officially a Junior Bubbler:)  I, of course, was sick most of the time that we were there, but I did feel decent on Tuesday so my husband's sister and I took T out to lunch, to a children's play area, and out for ice cream.  We arrived back home from our trip on Friday.  On Saturday we went to Target, the history fair, T-ball practice, Chick-Fil-A, and church.  It was a fun-filled day..perhaps a little too fun.... I celebrated our arrival home Sat night by throwing up in the front yard!

Highlights from the week: Although I felt pretty terrible most of the time, it ended up being a really great week!  Here are some of my favorite moments:

Visiting with my sister-in-law and brother-in-law

Bringing home a beautiful dining room table, area rug, and white curtains that my sister-in-law kindly gave to us

Arriving home to find a gorgeous bouquet of fall flowers laid on my doorstep by a new friend who knows how sick I've been and just wanted to do something nice.

Hosting our life group at our house on Friday night.  We made a firepit, had snacks, made smores, and talked about the antichrist (last weekend's message at church).

Walking around the history fair, which was sponsored by the local homeschool association. 

My favorite few hours last week were spent watching my little boy participate in his first T-ball practice.  He did so great!

I am reading: Why Pro-Life? by Randy Alcorn

I am praising God for: Helping me to endure the 3 hour car trip to West Palm Beach and back without getting sick.  The day before we left I couldn't even get out of bed, so I was truly thankful to make it there and back without getting sick during the ride.

A Goal this week: Make it through my Tuesday night meeting without getting sick

I am looking forward to: a fun-filled, busy weekend which will include T-ball practice, our neice's book signing party, a friend's son's birthday party, and the big pumpkin festival.

I am praying for: My nausea to ease up and that I start feeling better soon.


  1. Glad little T is enjoying his T-ball practices and you had a wonderful time on your trip. I hope you feel better, I'm praying for you...

  2. Thank You sweetheart!! I'll take all the prayers I can get:)
