Places We Went: My best friend's house for a Bible Study, Church, the lab for my diabetes test, Publix, a children's consignment shop (I needed some more maternity clothes), the health food store, Home Depot, a Mexican Restaurant and on Friday we met up with some friends at Busch Gardens.
Highlights: I enjoyed watching my boy have a blast riding rides with his friend at Busch Gardens.
Least favorite moment of the week: On Thursday I spent the entire morning at the lab for my 3 hour glucose test. Because you have to fast before and during the test, I was STARVING and I felt so bad because I could tell my baby was hungry too. He is typically pretty mellow in the mornings but was extremely active that morning. I managed to get the super sweet drink down in about 4 minutes, which I was happy about considering that my blood results showed that I would have to drink the biggest amount they had.
Pregnancy Update: Tomorrow (Monday) I will be 33 weeks pregnant. I have been feeling ok, just get out of breath sometimes. I also have been having lots of practice contractions which have been coming more frequently and stronger.
I am reading: Shepherding a Child's Heart
To do this week: Select paint color and get kids room painted, place cards on our new workbox drawers, do some gardening activities with T, find/purchase a "Big Brother" tee-shirt for T to wear to the hospital.
I am praising God for: By the grace of God we were able to qualify for a special pregnancy insurance and just received our approval. From here on out my labs will be covered and the insurance will GREATLY help out with my hospital costs.
I am looking forward to: This week we are taking T to a Becoming a Big Brother Class. I am also very excited for our baby shower on Friday.
I am praying for: Guidance in important birth decisions that need to be made.
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