Places we went: Church, Target, the library, and a local pool for swimming (we needed a change of scenery). Although we don't visit often, we love this pool, located at the rec center on the beach!
I cooked: Pesto Fish, Turkey Patties, and Tomato Hamburger Soup (and more).
We are praising God for: an amazing turnout at my pro-life meeting (19 people). Also, my dear friend had her baby on Friday evening. It's a boy! My brave buddy had an unmedicated waterbirth and she prayed and sang that baby out:)
Funny moment: T said "Daddy, can you pour tentacles (instead of chemicals) into the pool"?
Highlights from the week: watching our niece nail her live tv interview, the wonderful feedback I got regarding the pro-life meeting, watching T care for his new baby doll, and receiving an email from our friend in China (the doctor who stayed with us last year during Christmas).
A goal for this week: Start making fresh juice with our new juicer. Drink at least one per day.
I am looking forward to: a big pro-life meeting tomorrow morning, meeting my friend's baby, and the Hillsong Concert on Friday.
I am praying for: A sweet friend who is early in her pregnancy and struggling with some frustrating health issues.
"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life"(John 8:12)
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Week in Review
Hi all! As you know, I have been really terrible about updating our blog. Over the past few months, it seems that I spend all or most of my spare time working on my ministry. I greatly enjoy it, but the Lord has been showing me that I need better balance in my life. I really want to take more time for some of the other things I enjoy (reading, scrapbooking, memory keeping) and not just devote all of my time to ministry.
I think blogging is a wonderful serves as a memory keeper for us, and keeps family and friends in the loop! My sister-in-law has been posting a weekly wrap-up post on Fridays, which I think is a great idea. It's a neat way to combine various moments throughout the week into one post. I'm inspired to try it myself and see how it goes. I couldn't find the time to post this yesterday or Sunday..but I suppose it is better late than never! Hope you enjoy our week in review!!
In preschool last week... We finished up our camping preschool pack and worked on some pages of T's alphabet book. We've also been reading lots of books, especially the Eyewitness books.
We played... hide and seek, Food Group bingo, chase, Candyland, and more!
Places we went...gymnastics, our church for the VBS show, a friends' house to swim, and a birthday party at the park.
One new thing we tried... Juicing. We didn't actually make the juice ourselves, but we went to the natural foods store several times and had them make us some juice.
We learned...that carrot and apple juice with ginger is pretty gross. (At our next visit we discovered that carrot and apple without the ginger is MUCH better).
I cooked... Chicken Enchiladas, Spaghetti and Meatballs, and Turkey Burgers
We are praising God for.. my cousin and her husband becoming parents
Highs of the week... celebrating my birthday, getting my first ever massage,
Low of the week... Watching my baby suffer through the pain of his first earache
A funny moment... When T woke up one morning and his eves were stuck shut (he has been sick), and in his most panicked voice he cried "I can't see"!!
I am looking forward to...watching my niece on live tv, my pro-life meeting on Tuesday, and the arrival of a dear friend's baby.
One goal for this week gather up and print all of my pictures of T over the past 3 years.
I am praying for...more boldness in sharing the Gospel
I think blogging is a wonderful serves as a memory keeper for us, and keeps family and friends in the loop! My sister-in-law has been posting a weekly wrap-up post on Fridays, which I think is a great idea. It's a neat way to combine various moments throughout the week into one post. I'm inspired to try it myself and see how it goes. I couldn't find the time to post this yesterday or Sunday..but I suppose it is better late than never! Hope you enjoy our week in review!!
In preschool last week... We finished up our camping preschool pack and worked on some pages of T's alphabet book. We've also been reading lots of books, especially the Eyewitness books.
We played... hide and seek, Food Group bingo, chase, Candyland, and more!
Places we went...gymnastics, our church for the VBS show, a friends' house to swim, and a birthday party at the park.
One new thing we tried... Juicing. We didn't actually make the juice ourselves, but we went to the natural foods store several times and had them make us some juice.
We learned...that carrot and apple juice with ginger is pretty gross. (At our next visit we discovered that carrot and apple without the ginger is MUCH better).
I cooked... Chicken Enchiladas, Spaghetti and Meatballs, and Turkey Burgers
We are praising God for.. my cousin and her husband becoming parents
Highs of the week... celebrating my birthday, getting my first ever massage,
Low of the week... Watching my baby suffer through the pain of his first earache
A funny moment... When T woke up one morning and his eves were stuck shut (he has been sick), and in his most panicked voice he cried "I can't see"!!
I am looking forward to...watching my niece on live tv, my pro-life meeting on Tuesday, and the arrival of a dear friend's baby.
One goal for this week gather up and print all of my pictures of T over the past 3 years.
I am praying for...more boldness in sharing the Gospel
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