Sunday, July 11, 2010

We have gotten a little lax with our letter of the week stuff (although I do believe he recognizes all of the capital letters). We haven't really been doing too many crafts, and I want to get back to doing at least one craft per week. T isn't really crazy about crafts, so I've learned to just do a little bit at a time on a certain project. He does participate for a couple of minutes and then he's ready to move on, which is fine. I'm going to try to start photographing some of our preschool stuff that we are doing.

T knows the ABC song now and sings the whole thing, although he always leaves out the letter R. He loves to count and will often count the things he sees. His vocabulary is through the roof now, and he is really starting to use sentences. He recently said an actual, complete sentence, even using an article. His first full sentence was "Maggie doodoo's are gross." Haha!!

T also has very nice manners and uses them often. He sayd "Excuse me" if he bumps into you or is in the way (he says "Sorry" for the same scenario). It's so cute because he'll say "Excuse Me Mommy" "Sorry Dada", etc. He says Bless you if you sneeze (although I am trying to get him to say God Bless you), and he says "Tanks" if you give him something. He also says "No Tanks" if he doesn't want something. One day Maggie was follwing him closely because she wanted his cookie, and he kept saying "NO Tanks Maggie.' Sometimes in the bathtub when I am washing his hair he'll say (or yell) "No Tanks." He's so funny!! He also says "please." After we pray he always says "Amen." Amen was actually one of the first words he ever said.

I've found lots of sites with excellent preschool ideas and printables, so I have been trying to print stuff and organize it. Some of the stuff is too old for him right now, so I made files and stuck the older things in there. I'd rather know that I have it rather than try to go back to it later and have it not be there (this has happened a couple times already). I am constantly finding great ideas on the internet and really want to start doing more of these activities!!

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