Wednesday, March 31, 2010

T is talking!!!

I've been so busy I haven't even come on here to update about everything going on. We just purchased our first home and I will be blogging about that in a future post. I wanted to come on today and jot down the progress that T has made over the past month. As some of you know, I was becoming a bit concerned that T was not talking as much as other kids his age. I was seriously considering having his hearing tested, and thoughts of speech therapy had started to flood my brain. I have been praying for him, that the Lord would help him build his vocabulary. For the longest time, T would ramble on with these long sentences but I couldn't really understand any of what he was saying. However, within the last month, his vocabulary has grown and his articulation has improved by leaps and bounds, and I am so happy and relieved.

He has been saying some of the words in this list for a while now, but many just popped up recently). (and in the right context, like while pointing at the object) ball, rock, sun, moon, sky, cup, fla-flop (flower), baby, bye-bye, cheese, juice, nano (piano), gop (guitar) doggie, GiGi (a cartoon he watches), Bob (as in the tomato from veggietales) wop (yacht), all-da (all done), array (hooray), crying, boat, cop (helicopter), bubbles, tickle, whoa, oh my, oh no, hi, hello, eye, digall digall (he uses this word for bicycle and motorcycle, but he also uses this word when he sees a bird), wow, wawa (water),good, egg, mow (cat), star, and he can count from 3-6 (I have yet to hear him say 1 or 2). He has been saying baby for a while, but he would just walk around saying baby baby baby and wouldn't say it if he saw a baby (he would actually only do the sign for baby until about one month ago). He has also started verbally imitating me and others, another thing he never used to do. Yesterday was the first time that he linked two words together and I understood them: more cheese. He also says "set, go" and then takes off running.

He can also now identify and say the capital letters A, Y, and N,. I have not been working with him like I was because of the transitional way we are living right now. We are literally living out of boxes, and everything is everywhere. All of his craft supplies are at the garage of the old house, and I just want to get everything organized before we proceed. I am excited that we will be in our own home soon so that we can get back to work because T is interested in learning and he is picking things up quickly now!

Edited to add on 5/21/10: T's vocabulary now is incredible and he is talking in 2 and 3 word sentences very easily. I am hearing new words every single day, and he has gotten compliments from others on how well his articulation is.

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