This week we worked on the letter D. Here are some of the activities we did this week:
Letter D Dinosaur
D is for Doctor Do a Dot Art
Colored Dinosaur pictures
Dinosaur file folder color matching
Dramatic play with dinosaurs
We do lots of other educational things throughout the week too, but these things go directly with the letter D. This week we pained alot and used alot of Glitter Glue. We also do Tot Trays, which I will explain in a future post.
Tristan knows all of the main colors now and will correctly identify them by saying their name. He knows red, orange, yellow, blue, green, purple, white, black, and pink. He can also identify about 3/4 of the alphabet by sight, and has started singing his ABC's. Today he attempted to count to 20 for the first time. He made it all the way from 1-17, I was pretty impressed!
A funny thing: Tristan hates getting his teeth brushed. Last night Daddy was holding him and brushing and T was throwing his usual fit, but this time he actually yelled out "Please Help." Daddy and I laughed so hard!!
Books we are reading:
The Nativity: a Touch and Feel Usbourne book which he loves. He points at the book and says "Jesus."
ABC I like Me: a positive reinforcement book that goes through the whole Alphabet.."A-I am Awesome, B-I am Brave, etc
That's Not My Tractor: a touch and feel book about Tractors
Puppies: He must have this book memorized, because he was reading to himself today and said the correct things on the correct pages. For example: one page features a puppy stuck in a water pitcher and the puppy says "Help, I think I'm stuck in this pitcher." Today when T got to that page he said "Help, I stuck."
Does a Kangaroo Have a Mother Too?
And the ever-popular Dinosaur Roar!!!
"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life"(John 8:12)
Friday, May 28, 2010
Let the BBQ's begin!!

Last Saturday, we went to a BBQ at my friends house. T and her son E are one month apart and have known each other since they were 7 and 8 months old. T enjoys E, but he especially loves Ellie, another toddler who my friend babysits for. Ellie is also very fond of T, and the kids all get together and play at least twice a week.
On Sunday, I attended a surprise baby shower for one of the ladies in the mom's group which we belong to. Daddy watched T for me so I could spend a few hours with some of the girls. Later that day, some of T's cousins came over and they all swam in the pool, and then we had a BBQ at their house.
Since our weekend was so busy, T and I just stayed home Monday and Tuesday. On Tuesday afternoon, I had a meeting with the Personhood Now! team. Personhhod Now! is a youth led pro-life group whose goal is to collect enough signatures to be able to put the Personhood Amendment on the 2012 voting ballot. The Personhood Amendment would declare unborn children as persons and would ensure them the same rights and protections as people who are already born. They will have one year to collect 700,000 signatures in the state of Fl. Out of the five team members, only one lives in locally. The rest of the teens live in Colorado and Texas. They are here to kick off the project, network, and recruit/train other volunteers to keep this effort going for the next year. We had a great meeting and I am excited to be involved as a liason.
On Wednesday, we took our weekly trip to the library. We always play at the park right there and have snacks, and then go inside to do puzzles, color, and look at/check out books.
We stayed home again Thursday and Friday and just went swimming in our pool both days. We are loving having a pool!!!
This weekend we are going up to Ocala, about a two hour trip from here. Daddy's brother has a house up there, so we will be staying there and meeting some of his family that will also be up there for the weekend. We are having a BBQ Saturday night:)
Hope you all had a good week!!
Friday, May 21, 2010
The letter C
Back in Feb. we worked on the letter C. Since it has been so long, I can't remember much about it, so I will have to go from the picture:)
We made a caterpillar C using pompoms, we made a sprinkle letter C, and we also made a counting cupcake.
Because of the move and being so busy, we have gotten out of the habit on working on one letter per week. However, I am going back to doing that. I've been organizing our things and getting some supplies that we need, and we should be back on track next week.
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